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Even the best lock will not keep you safe if you unwittingly invite those who will cause you harm to your home. This happens every day when people rush to answer the door not knowing who stands on the other side. Gain confidence before you open your door so there are no surprises that are not expected. A peephole on a door allows you to look out and see who is standing outside before you fling the door open to a stranger or a would-be-burglar.

When you cannot see who is on the other side of your door, you have two choices when that doorbell rings or you hear a knock. You can either answer it and take your chances or pretend like you are not home. Either way, you put you and your family as well as your home’s belongings at risk.

Maybe you have a nearby window, and you carefully pull the blinds to peek out. Still, you are taking the chance that the person standing at your front door will notice you looking out at them.

Peepholes allow you to look out to see who is standing at your door before unlocking the door to let them in. The person outside won’t notice you are looking out at them since the opening of the peephole is tiny. But, with the concave shape of the opening, you are able to get a good view of them before deciding whether or not you can safely open the door.

When you have elderly residents or young children at home alone before or after school, a peephole is a must. It provides them with an added layer of security and confidence as well as complete privacy.

Peepholes add an extra layer of security to your personal space at home. They give you the full advantage of knowing who you are opening your door to or deciding to not take the security risk of opening the door.

Traditionally, a peephole is a tiny viewing hole at eye level inside your front door. With advancing technology, however, there are now small cameras that do the same job only some of these run on a smartphone app that allows you to peep out of your front door and respond to the person even when you are not home.

Peephole Camera

Installing a peephole is not overly difficult, but if you try to do it yourself, you could run into some issues such as drilling the hole too large or not properly sealing it off. Once you have that hole in your door, it’s a pain to try to fix any mess-ups in installation. If you choose electronic forms of peepholes, a technician will be able to set it up properly in no time. The fastest and most secure way to get a peephole installed is to call a certified locksmith who will be able to come to you and get the job done well and fast.

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